Creating a Clickable Link in a Repeating Group Cell
How can I turn everything in a cell in a repeating group in Bubble into a clickable link? For example, I've got my repeating group here of contacts and I want to make it so that if Bruce has clicked or USA has clicked or if anywhere in this box is clicked, I go through to a page all about Bruce. If I look in my Bubble editor, you can see I've got my two text elements here and I think the easy mistake to make would be to think, "Oh, I've got to add a workflow to each of them." But that isn't lean development. That's going to cause you a whole load of headaches later on, increases the chance of you neglecting or forgetting to update a particular part of your app. We want to create one workflow to do one thing if that's all we need.
Grouping Elements in a Repeating Group
So all you do is I'm holding shift and I'm going to click on all of the elements in the row, right-click and say "group in row" and then I'm going to set the layout of my repeating group. Notice I've... not my repeating group. In my repeating group, I've now got a group. This is basically the template for every cell in my repeating group. It is my first cell and it is the template for all of them. And so I'm going to say here "with 100%" and then I'll go to workflow.
Adding a Workflow to the Group
In actual fact on the group, I'll say "add workflow" and we'll say "go to page" and I have a page set up for this. "contact" "current cells contact" and we'll preview that. By now putting my mouse over, you can see how much of it is turned to a link or is at least clickable. And so yeah, "Bruce USA is clickable but not the whole height of the cell." How do I fix that?
Making the Entire Cell Clickable
Well, let's go back into design and all I need to do is tell my group that is containing everything in my repeating group to set a fixed height of 100%. We'll go back to my demo, refresh it and now look at my mouse. The whole height of the cell is clickable.
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