Introducing Lemon Squeezy's Unique Features
I literally hit stop on my last video about and Lemon Squeezy and I thought I've missed out two amazing features that Lemon Squeezy has baked in from the beginning included in the cost which Stripe doesn't have baked in and you would need additional software and additional costs likely in order to support those features. They are:
1. Affiliate Links
Lemon Squeezy provides a dashboard for sellers and for those sharing the affiliate links which you can see a screenshot of here. It's really beautifully laid out and incredibly easy for people to use. We are signed up as a Lemon Squeezy affiliate because we have an affiliate link for the software I'm using to record this right now, that software being Screen Studio. You can find a link in the description for that. So we know just how easy it is from the sharing links point of view to sign up and become an affiliate of software or of a platform that's using Lemon Squeezy as a payment provider.
2. Email Marketing
The other element of Lemon Squeezy which is just baked in is email marketing. You can see that there's a generous startup of 500 subscribers and that's plenty to get your MVP going that you're building in Bubble. Just look at some of the features here:
- Email marketing made easy
- Methodology in place to try and keep you out of the spam folder
- Email tracking
- Understand your audience
- Segmentation
- Real profiles
They're going to link the email data with the payment data that all goes through the Lemon Squeezy platform. You've basically got the beginnings here of a CRM. So with the payment platform here of Lemon Squeezy, you've got many of the features that are just going to help you jumpstart your MVP, the startup, whatever you're building with Bubble, and they're included in this software.
Comparing Lemon Squeezy to Stripe
So yes, the cost here per transaction is of course higher than Stripe. If you want to keep that low, you're really looking at the one or two percent difference, then Stripe is still the best bet to go with. However, if you're looking to just ease your way in without a lot of the complications that come with Stripe or the additional software add-ons that you have to bolt on, Lemon Squeezy is a great option because they include everything for handling the tax. They've got the checkouts, they've got the email marketing, and they've got the affiliates all baked in to one easy to use platform.