Dealing with Long Text in Bubble
Thanks to everyone who leaves comments on our videos because this is a quick one from a question we received in the comments which is basically about dealing with really long bits of text. Now this is a bit of static text and just the text elements but imagine this is data you know you're saying current users, bio for example and the bio you've got like a multi-lay input and the bio field contains a large amount of text here's just some dummy text and if we go ahead and preview this we get all of the text returns on the page but what if there were other elements in the page surrounding it and we wanted to ensure that this would only be certain height.
Setting Up the Page Layout
So right now I've been a bit sloppy this is in a fixed layout page so let's put first of all put in a column and then let's make the width 100% so I only want it to be two lines well it's as simple as changing the height value to the appropriate height based on your font size so there you go 40 is the perfect height for just two lines of content and we'll refresh the page there you go we automatically get the three dots added in at the end signifying to us and our users that there is more text.
Additional Features for Text Display
Now you could use like a tool tip here to show more text you could make this suck a link through to a pop-up to show them more text but yeah basically it's dead easy dead simple to to show that there is more text and to make your text element not so big on the page and take up less space and if you're learning Bubble and you want to see more videos like this then click the link down in the description.