Introducing AddEvent for Advanced Calendar Features in Bubble
If you're building a no-code Bubble app and you're wanting to give your users some advanced calendar features, then look no further than the AddEvent API. I discovered AddEvent when I was trying to build an app where my users could subscribe to a calendar feed, meaning that my app or my users could create events within the app, but then I wanted to be able to provide them with a feed that they could add into their Outlook or their calendar app on their Mac in order to see the events and get live event updates. This, of course, is preferable than providing someone with a calendar event file because that's not going to update live. Once you download the file, I think it's an ICS file, once you download it, then your user is stuck with potentially out-of-date information.
PlanetNoCode: Your Resource for Bubble Tutorials
I'm planning to do a series on AddEvent and I just wanted to use this video to introduce you to it, but if you're building apps with Bubble, then look no further than because we've got hundreds of Bubble tutorial videos where we introduce you to services just like this, where we go into the API, we use the Bubble API connector, and you can unlock all of those videos by becoming a member at
AddEvent: Calendar and Event Tools Overview
But let me just give you a preview of what you can do with AddEvent. AddEvents, Calendar and Event Tools. You can easily set up ways to share events, meaning that you can provide people in your app the ability to open an event in their Google Calendar or their iCloud Calendar. That's not entirely rare and unique. There are other services that do that. You can collect RSVPs. You can subscribe to calendars and you can have embeddable calendars and automated events. The most important one here, what I was looking for when I was building this app, is the subscribed calendar.
Demonstration of AddEvent's API and Documentation
I'm just going to demo exactly what you can do. Let's have a look at their new API and their documentation. I've been waiting for this, been waiting for their new API to come out. You could basically create a calendar for each user in your app. If you wanted to have a calendar in your Bubble app, you would create a calendar with AddEvent. And then whenever you created an event in your Bubble app, you could create the same event in that calendar. And that then means that when you create a calendar, where do we get the response? You'll get a link.
Creating Calendars and Providing Subscription Links
Basically, I'm going to unpack this more in a future video. But you can, once you have that calendar built in AddEvent, you can supply your user with a link in which they can subscribe to that calendar. So if you're building some sort of event management system or some sort of membership with live webinars and you want your users to always be up to date with key information about the events that you're running or events that your app has generated, then look no further than AddEvents.
Upcoming Series on AddEvent
And if you want to see more videos about advanced calendar features, calendar feeds, calendar subscription, then leave a comment down below, like and subscribe, because I've got a mini series planned on AddEvent. So subscribe to not miss out on that.