Introduction to AddEvent
In the final video of my mini-series looking at AddEvent, I want to share with you how I used AddEvent when I first came about building an app a few years ago. Unlike in the demo that I've made so far, I wasn't embedding the AddEvent embed into the app itself. I was basically mirroring events. So I'd create an event as a data type in my Bubble app and then I would create a mirror event in AddEvent. This meant that I had more flexibility. For example, I could use a repeating group to go through the events.
Using AddEvent API
Now I could do that with the AddEvent API, because it still lists your events, but it just seemed more straightforward at the time. And so because I wasn't using the calendar, I didn't have access to this dropdown and I wanted to give my users the ability to subscribe through their calendar apps.
Adding Calendar Subscription Links
If you go into AddEvent, you can find that they've got this really cool widget. If I scroll down and yeah, here we go, add to calendar links. So I can copy this and then go into my Bubble app design. Let's get rid of the calendar event and let's add in a new bit of HTML. And then I'm going to paste. Ah, it didn't copy the code. That's not what I wanted. Here's the code. I'm going to copy this and then go into Bubble.
Customizing the Calendar ID
Basically, I've just got to find where it's got the calendar ID. And so that's here. Is that the only mention of it? Yeah. So it's one for each button. So I'm going to do that, but speed it up. Well, actually the first one. So I'll do a current user calendar unique key and now speed through the rest of these. Here's another one. I'm adding in an event here. So that would be adding the calendar ID rather unique key.
Implementing Calendar Subscription
Okay. This is taking me a long time. Anyway, you get the picture basically go through and for each of the calendar links, I've gone through and done all of them apart from Yahoo, leave a comment. If you use Yahoo calendar down below. But that basically means that if I was to go and take preview and then click on one of these buttons, it's going to open that calendar app either through the web browser or if it is a desktop app, it would open it on the user's desktop and it would pre-populate a subscription field, allowing the user to basically have a synchronized calendar, a read-only calendar for the events that you make in your app for them.
Now this is the end of the series, but if you have any other questions about AddEvent or working with calendars in Bubble, please do leave a comment. We read every single one of them. And also as always like and subscribe to support our channel.