Adding Beautiful Alerts and Notifications to Your Bubble App
Here's a quick demo of how to add really beautiful alerts and notifications to Bubble app just like these. But before I launch into that, did you know that we've got over a hundred Bubble tutorial videos just like this one, many of which you cannot find on YouTube. You can only find on
Installing the Toast Notifications Plugin
The plugin I'm using is called Toast Notifications by Minimum Studio. So I'm going to install the plugin, go back to my page, add in the Notifier element. So the scripts necessary to display and run the plugin and show the notifications in your Bubble app are loaded into the page. I'm going to set this to top center.
Customizing Notifications
You can see here that there is a lot you can customize with the notifications and I'm going to set up two notifications in this Bubble tutorial. One will be success. So I'll go edit workflow or create workflow when this button is clicked and then search for the notify a Notifier. I can put in my success message here and you can see that says success and then on my warning notification again add workflow or edit the existing workflow. Go for the notify a Notifier. I'll say warning, change it to error, click preview and here is my great looking success notification or success alert with a lovely animation included and here is my warning alert.
Demonstrating Quick Customization Options
Let me just demo some of the quick ways we can change this. So we could say show this on top right. Now with bottom left and bottom center bottom right maybe that's going to interfere with the Z index of the debugger so I'm just going to do top right for now and then I fact I'm going to pick out a Planet No Code purple and say that the success font color is going to be that color, background is going to be say 10% of it and the border is going to be 30%. So then you can see it appears let's just see if I can change the icon color. Here we go success icon color we'll put in the Planet No Code purple and you can see it's just so quick how you can add in a really great looking alert or a great looking notification into your Bubble app using this plugin.