Discover how's Table feature empowers solopreneurs to create powerful no code SaaS applications, enabling effortless data organization and display for enhanced user experiences without writing a single line of code.

Repeating Groups vs Tables: Which is Better for List Data in
Struggling to choose between tables and repeating groups in This comprehensive guide breaks down everything you need to know about these essential layout elements. Learn the pros and cons of's table element (currently in beta) compared to the traditional repeating group, including crucial insights on pagination, data handling, and performance optimization.
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How to Build an NFT Marketplace Login with Figma &
In this tutorial video we demonstrate how and why you might choose to manually convert a Figma template into Bubble. This video explains padding, margins and explains the basics of CSS to help you get started.

Bubble with Speech to Text using AssemblyAI - Part 3
In the final part of this Bubble tutorial series using the AssemblyAI Speech to Text API we create a simple front end form for users to upload an audio file and receive a transcript.

How to import a Figma design into Bubble step by step guide
In this tutorial video we demonstrate how to work with Figma and and the new responsive engine.

Web Scraping Google Search Results in - Part 2
Part 2 of our SEO and Google Search web scraping series using the API. In this Bubble tutorial video we demonstrate how to use backend workflows to save each search result as a new record in your Bubble app's database.

Generate an AI transcript in Bubble with Speaker Labels - Part 1
In this Bubble tutorial we demonstrate the AssemblyAI API Speaker Diarization (AKA audio transcription with speaker labels).

How to Create a User Registration Workflow
In this tutorial video we demonstrate the first steps you need to take a sign a user up to your web app.