Discover how plugins can supercharge your no-code SaaS journey as a solopreneur, enabling you to add powerful features and functionality to your Bubble app without writing a single line of code.
How to summarise a whole conversation with AI in
Learn how to add a "summarize" button and generate a conversation summary using OpenAI API in your chat application. This quick tip will help you present condensed information to your users with ease, making your no-code development process even more efficient.
How to transcribe an audio file - Whisper API by OpenAI
In this Bubble tutorial we explain how to set up the Whisper API Speech to Text tool by OpenAI with your Bubble app. This will get you started creating an app that takes an audio recording of speech and transforms it into text.
How to use keyboard shortcut navigation with a table in Bubble
In this tutorial we demonstrate how to nagivate up and down a table using the up and down arrows on a keyboard. This Bubble tutorial shows how to use custom states to track the selected row of a repeating group and change this selection with the arrow keys. The plugin used is Air Keyboard Shortcut by Zeroqode.
How to use the Air Copy to Clipboard plugin
Did you know it's really quick and easy to add a copy to clipboard button to your Bubble app? And I'm going to show you how using the Air Copy to Clipboard plugin by Zeroqode.
How to use the Star Rating element in
In this tutorial video we demonstrate how to use the Star Rating visual element in Bubble. This video includes how to install the Star Rating plugin, display it on a page, store a rating value from a user in the database and retrieve that value when the page reloads.
How to: Timezone Dropdown with API
In this Bubble tutorial we demonstrate how to use the timezoneDB API to get a list of timezones and display this list in a dropdown for your Bubble app users.
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How to create multiple user types or user roles in Bubble
In this tutorial we explain how to set up multiple user types or user roles in your Bubble app using Option Sets.
Is Lemon Squeezy a good Stripe alternative for
Looking for a Stripe alternative for your Bubble app? We've been testing Lemon Squeezy. Here is our comparison between Stripe and Lemon Squeezy for Bubble app builders.
3 Ways Plumb Will Supercharge Your No Code AI App
Elevate your no-code AI app with Plumb's powerful features, including a versatile pipeline builder for managing multiple AI requests, seamless swapping between different large language models (LLMs), and the ability to combine AI-generated content into structured JSON responses. Whether you're using or another platform, Plumb ensures efficient, high-quality outputs without the hassle of timeouts, thanks to its robust webhook integration.
How to create recurring workflows in Bubble in 2023
In this Bubble tutorial we demonstrate how to create a daily recurring workflow in Previously we have demoed a work around using cron jobs to run workflows more frequently than each month. Since May 2023, Bubble has allowed all plans to use daily recurring workflows.
How to send 1 database entry to a new page
In this Bubble tutorial we'll demonstrate how to take one entry in your Bubble database from a list of entries and link through to a page all about that one entry. Very useful if you are building a nocode marketplace with Bubble.